Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Clash Of Clans : interesting facts about golem

Attack speed = 2.4 seconds
Attack type= single target
Favourite target = defences
Housing space = 30

Golems are awesome units with lots of hit points which you one can tell easily from his appearance.Yes ladies and gentlemen this guy made of pure stone has a lot of hitpoints but on the other side it lacks mobility and also its attacking power is not upto mark i mean it is slow but it doesn't deal damage to defences the way it should.

Why do people use it then:
Actually they have highest hit points so people use them like sheilds in ground attack strategies like when you are going to hit a base with powerful defences then you must use them to distract defences like hidden teslas and archer towers and xbows etc and then just destroy everything that moves with your kill squad like pekkas and wizards or valkyries and stuff so basically they are best used for defences purposes during the raid.
And yes they should be used like that because due to their slow speed they can cover a large amount of fire and the other best thing about them is they trigger traps like small bombs and spring traps so make sure you guys use them to clean your base from trap and make sure your kill squad is safe from all kind of ground threat and i guarantee you will get three stars every time once you have mastered how to use them so i hope you like this post and let me know in the comment section below what is your favourite attack strategy and please also mention your town hall level too

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