This layout is used by many players who have unlocked the new townhall,placed new buildings and held many attacks of enemies.Before we start building base let me tell you an important thing this Th9 defence layout is made without archer queen and it is only made for defending trophies.I personally do not recommend it for trophies saving because for trophies saving you need a farming base layout.
As you can see that the town hall is place right in the core due to which it is safe and the four airdefences are placed in very strategic position,providing cover to the town hall from all kinds of air threats.The two wizard towers near the town hall will aid the splash damage.Also our eagle eyed Archer queen is near town hall which is not easily reachable by enemy troops and thus she can deal massive damage to enemy troops with her deadly xbow.Like I said this is not a farming base,all the storages are placed right before defence buildings to provide huge resistance to enemy forces because we all know they have alot of hit point and they can keep the enemy troops engaged for a while making them easy target for our defence buildings